Genetic Analysis for Companion Animals and Wildlife

Expert Services
The William R. Maples Center for Forensic Medicine at the University of Florida’s College of Medicine offers genetic analysis for companion animals and wildlife to Federal, State, and Local law enforcement agencies, and private groups. There is a growing need for the application of forensic biology to cases of animal crime. In response, the Maples Center for Forensic Medicine employs a DNA analyst specifically for animal casework who has many years of experience developing and optimizing forensic assays, interpreting data, and testifying in court.
DNA Typing
The Maples Center for Forensic Medicine can perform genetic analysis in many areas of animal crime: dog fighting, cock fighting, identification of stolen dogs, canid predator identification and wildlife poaching. The Maples Center for Forensic Medicine is devoted to offering forensic services for companion animals and wildlife to law enforcement and wildlife agencies on a national and international basis.
Types of cases that are processed at the Maples Center for Forensic Medicine include genetic association of animals injured or killed during domestic violence, home invasions, or hit by cars to evidence linking to a perpetrator, identification of stolen dogs and illegal take of wildlife. The analysts at the Maples Center have identified skinned carcasses, animal predation, and physical items of evidence utilized in animal fighting operations.

Available tests
- DNA Fingerprinting (individual identity/matching evidence) of dogs, white tailed deer, turkeys, alligators, and other species.
- Species identification of most canid species: domestic dog, fox, coyote, wolf.Court testimony and outside case reviews.
- Services are available to Federal, State, and Local agencies, and private agencies.
More Information
For more information contact:
AnnMarie (Ginger) Clark, M.S.