FEMORS Forensic Odontology Self-Assessment

FEMORS Forensic Odontology Self-Assessment

There is no time limit to complete 5 true/false questions.  You must obtain an 80% or higher to receive the completion certificate.  You will have a total of 5 chances to pass the assessment.  If you have questions about content, please email Dr. Jason Byrd at jhbyrd@ufl.edu

The identification number and size reference scale should be included in postmortem photographs.(Required)
The forensic odontology section of FEMORS use the universal 1 to 32 tooth numbering system.(Required)
There is no need to seek permission of the medical examiner or coroner of jurisdiction, or the incident commander, prior to resection of jaws during the postmortem examination.(Required)
In WinID coding, the restored surfaces of a tooth are coded.(Required)
A positive identification could include one irreconcilable discrepancy.(Required)